

Start the tour
  • Build a super site in a breeze

    Modules lets you build your site by creating and combining different kinds of modules. Leadbox, Services and Testimonials are just a few of them.
  • Showcase your work or goods

    Modules comes with several portfolio layouts so you can put together a portfolio or a products catalog in a way that no visitor will stay indifferent to.
  • Start selling your products

    With Modules fully WooCommerce integration, you can not only have an online shop, but the most beautiful and modern one.


delicate. stylish. urban. elegant.

  • Everything you see is done with Modules.

    This Live Preview of Modules WordPress theme will show you many examples of how the theme could look like. Including several page examples, the different modules, and the cool portfolio and blog layouts.

    Home – Insight 3

Theme’s Features

Discover what Modules has to offer.

  • Easy To Use

    We've put a lot of thought in giving you the best possible experience to make your job easier.
  • 20+ Builder Modules

    Create as many modules as you want to. Personalize them and build with them your pages.
  • Outstanding Support

    Modules comes fully documented with step by step instructions. Also, you get access to our premium support forum.
  • Simply Beautiful

    Our themes are not just nicely coded, they are built to show your visitors how much you care for beauty and for design.
  • "Maecenas sollicitudin orci non ornare sagittis. Quisque faucibus venenatis arcu eu vehicula. Phasellus accumsan dolor a tortor euismod, at sollicitudin velit molestie. Ut facilisis ex non risus vulputate scelerisque. Phasellus posuere convallis efficitur. In euismod mi quam, nec ullamcorper tellus vulputate id facilisis ex non risus vulputate scelerisque."

    John CarterFrom CBST
  • "Ut facilisis ex non risus vulputate scelerisque. Phasellus posuere convallis efficitur. In euismod mi quam, nec ullamcorper tellus vulputate id. Quisque faucibus venenatis arcu eu vehicula. Maecenas sollicitudin orci non ornare sagittis. Phasellus accumsan dolor a tortor euismod, at sollicitudin velit molestie facilisis ex non risus vulputate scelerisque."

    Ella TornutFrom Abu Bar